Jessica Pacheco

Full Name (Nick/Stage name) : Jessica Pacheco
Age : 34
Hometown and city/town you currently reside: Kansas City Missouri, currently reside in Wichita Falls, Texas
Occupation: Care taker
Instagram/Facebook : Jess Pacheco
How did you hear about Metro Idol?
Flyer that was left at Scooters in Garland, Texas.
Where and which night did you perform you Preliminary?
Skinny Fats in Dallas on September 14, 2021.
How long have you been singing and when did you realize your passion for singing?
I have been singing since I was 5 years old, and my passion developed more as I got older.
Tell us something interesting about you. Could be anything from random/hidden/rare talents,
upbringing, challenges you’ve faced or moment(s) from your childhood, etc. This is where you
can express what you would like us to know that sets your apart!
I used to sing in choir throughout my childhood weither it was in school or church. I faced many
challenges such as as being bullied in school. I used to participate in school plays and rhythm
dance squad.