Jessica “Sparkles” Teague

Full Name (Nick/Stage name): Jessica “Sparkles” Teague

Age : 44

Hometown and city/town you currently reside : Greenville

Occupation: Chef/Kitchen Manager

Instagram/Facebook: Jessica Teague

How did you hear about Metro Idol?
Daniel/ Host from The Forum Pub

Where and which night did you perform you Preliminary?

How long have you been singing and when did you realize your passion for singing?
30+ yrs

Tell us something interesting about you. Could be anything from random/hidden/rare talents,
upbringing, challenges you’ve faced or moment(s) from your childhood, etc. This is where you
can express what you would like us to know that sets your apart!
I used to be a Journeyman Electrician. I have a passion from at home building/Crafts, and I deeply love Singing Kareoke.
