Latoya Webb

Full Name (Nick/Stage name) : Latoya Webb (Flawless)
Age : 35
Hometown and city/town you currently reside : Fort Worth, Texas
Occupation : Professor/Teacher
Instagram/Facebook : my facebook name is Queen Toy
How did you hear about Metro Idol?
I walked into the Library Bar looking for a karaoke spot to sing. I ran into DJ Shawn Kay and entered into the contest.
Where and which night did you perform you Preliminary?
I performed on October 7th at the Library bar in Downtown Fort Worth, Tx.
How long have you been singing and when did you realize your passion for singing?
I have been singing since the age of 5. I realized my passion the moment I was able to hear music. I have always been a lover of R&B and gospel music.
Tell us something interesting about you. Could be anything from random/hidden/rare talents, upbringing, challenges you’ve faced or moment(s) from your childhood, etc. This is where you can express what you would like us to know that sets your apart!
I was born in Dallas Texas, raised in California as a little girl and found my passion for singing at the early age of 5. My inspiring artists are Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Brandy, Erica Badu and Lauryn Hill. I am a lover of Gospel and R&B and I enjoy playing music as well. I was a piano/organist at my church as a little girl at the age of 8. I always dreamed to be an entertainer and take pride in making people smile, laugh, cry with the voice that God has blessed me with. I am music, music is me! Music is life itself!