Susie Brady

Full Name (Nick/Stage name) :  Susan Brady

Age :  72yrs old

Hometown and city/town you currently reside :  Evansville, Indiana , Lives: Lewisville, Texas

Occupation : Retired

Instagram/Facebook: On Facebook

How did you hear about Metro Idol?
Sing Karaoke at Z Grill in Flower Mound

Where and which night did you perform you Preliminary?
I performed in Flower Mound at Z Grill on Thursday for the Preliminary

How long have you been singing and when did you realize your passion for singing?
I started singing about 3 years ago and loved it..

Tell us something interesting about you. Could be anything from random/hidden/rare talents, upbringing, challenges you’ve faced or moment(s) from your childhood, etc. This is where you can express what you would like us to know that sets your apart!
I decided when I had my first round of cancer that I was going to do things I’d never do before and singing was one of those things I always wanted to do..I was very shy before and would never get up and sing in front of others..
Then I got Breast Cancer.. I knew it would be scary but again decided to live and just enjoy life.. BUT that wasn’t the worst part.. my daughter decided she should get a mammogram….on November 16, 2020 she was told she had stage 3 Breast Cancer … what a shock.. my son in law told me if it wasn’t for my breast cancer, my daughter would not have found out about hers.. I believe God gave us a miracle.. Shes been through chemo, double mastectomy and radiation… plus doing immunotherapy.. Next year she will have reconstruction. So far everything looks good.. God has given us many blessings and I will continue to live everyday knowing God let my daughter live.
