Tony Holt

Full Name (Nick/Stage name) : Tony Holt
Age : 28
Hometown and city/town you currently reside : Lufkin, TX / Frisco, TX
Occupation : Realtor/ Roof Sales Associate
Instagram/Facebook: IG: @Holtnitdown/ FB: Tony Holt / Tiktok: @holtnitdown
How did you hear about Metro Idol?
Where and which night did you perform you Preliminary?
SkinnyFATS on October 5th
How long have you been singing and when did you realize your passion for singing ?
I started singing in front of crowds about 6 years ago, I’ve always loved to sing but grew up too shy to actually sing in front of people. One day I just decided to get out there and show my passion for singing.
Tell us something interesting about you. Could be anything from random/hidden/rare talents, upbringing, challenges you’ve faced or moment(s) from your childhood, etc. This is where you can express what you would like us to know that sets your apart!
As a young kid I never knew that I couldn’t hear the same as everyone else. It wasn’t until years after I was born, when my speech was not progressing as fast as others in my age group, and I had slight speech impediment that the doctors discovered I was missing an ear drum. Thankfully, medicine was very evolved at the time and the surgeon was able to create a man-made ear drum from the tissue in my temple. I’m thankful that the surgery gave me a better sense of hearing, but it is not as natural as the one I was born with in my other ear. Sounds are different when hearing from my left ear versus my right. I believe this is a very unique trait to have, especially when it comes to music, because I am able to hear sounds in a different perspective that others cannot. People often ask if my hearing problem has ever had any impact on my dreams of being a singer, but this challenge has never distracted me from who I am, it is part of me and adds to my story.